Community settings

Explore ways that the workplace can encourage people to interact with their extended networks while supporting the range of work that happens at the community level.


These large, flexible Community settings are ideal for learning, information-sharing, and networking. When they’re not hosting community-level events, forums provide another space where employees can sit down to think or socialize.

Two people sitting in a brightly lit, open floorplan community setting featuring Herman Miller Fuld Nesting chairs, yellow NaughtOne Pippin chairs, and Herman Miller OE1 Agile Walls.

Featured products

Herman Miller Fuld Nesting Chairs provide comfort, support, and high-density storage.

NaughtOne Pippin Chairs offer a secondary seating option along the perimeter.

Herman Miller OE1 Agile Walls can be reconfigured to add a sense of boundary.

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Strategies behind this setting

A laptop and book sitting on a black and white table that features white Herman Miller Fuld Nesting chairs dark blue seats

For Wellbeing

Choices about adjacencies, furnishings, and tools consider the fit for the range of people who will use this space. Seating options accommodate a broad range of people without special accommodation to help convey a sense of belonging.

A communal seating area furnished with yellow NaughtOne Pippin chairs used to encourage face-to-face interaction

For Connection

Bring people together to encourage face-to-face interaction, which helps build trust and community. A range of seating options and ample circulation space support activities from formal presentations to informal exchanges.

Herman Miller OE1 Agile Walls used to adapt spaces to help support flexibility in a community setting

For Change

Help your organization embrace change through flexible, multi-use, interconnected spaces that adapt to support people where and when they work. The streamlined kit of parts is intuitive and easy to rearrange.


These inviting community settings support gathering or hosting, often around food and drink. They accommodate a range of people with seating and tables at different heights.

Several people utilizing a café community setting furnished with Herman Miller Overlays, Headway Tables, and Muuto Still Cafe Tables

Featured products

Herman Miller Overlay can create semi-private spaces in open areas.

Herman Miller Headway Tables provide space for people to meet up, touch down, or work side by side. 

Muuto Still Café Tables can be used separately or pushed together.

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Strategies behind this setting

Several secluded seating areas furnished with white tables, dark blue seating, and Herman Miller Overlays for privacy

For Wellbeing

Help people feel connected to their organization and its purpose by providing space to reduce social isolation and enhance belonging. The mix of open vistas and hideaways meets a range of needs while encouraging connection.

Yellow stools arranged at a long, black and white elevated table used to encourage connection in a café setting

For Connection

Weak ties—people who do not interact often—help us access new ideas or opportunities for innovation. Seating that supports a range of postures, configured for small groups or individuals, welcome people from diverse backgrounds.

Two black and white Muuto Still Cafe tables feauting Knoll Bertoia chairs used to facilitate flexibility in a café setting

For Change

Flexible, multiuse, interconnected spaces can adapt to support people where and when they work. The furnishings allow quick adjustments by people in the moment, or more extensive reconfigurations with support from facilities teams.

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Two individuals having a virtual meeting in a group conference room furnished with Geiger Tuxedo Component Lounge seating, a black and white Herman Miller Headway Conference table, and a Knoll Reff Profiles Credenza

Group settings

Spaces designed to help teams connect, communicate, or collaborate

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A large, brightly lit "study hall" setting with large windows, white brick walls, NaughtOne Pullman Chairs, a Muuto Linear System Series and Mounted Lamps, and Herman Miller Asari Chairs

Individual settings

Spaces where individuals can focus or find respite without distractions

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A collage of different spaces - including an interior office, exterior walkway, and a private study space - that represent community, group, and individual settings

Settings overview

Our full range of settings designed to support social interaction at every level

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